[循環] WI21 招待講演(海外)
Why hypotension matters and how it can be predicted
[呼吸] WI22 招待講演(海外)
The use of inhaled nitric oxide in COVID-19 respiratory infection
[神経] WI23 招待講演(海外)
The interaction between systemic inflammation and underlying neurodegeneration in triggering delirium-like deficits
[小児] WI24 招待講演(海外)
Pediatric Anesthesia and Sedation Outside of the Operating Room: Toward the Future
[産科] WI25 招待講演(海外)
The Diagnosis and Management of Peripartum Neurologic Complications
[ペイン緩和・局所麻酔] WI26 招待講演(海外)
Prolotherapy in Pain Clinic
[救急・ICU] WI27 招待講演(海外)
Molecular mechanisms and potential therapies in COVID-19
[麻酔科関連-2] WI29 招待講演(海外)
Automated anesthetic management using multiple closed-loop systems
[麻酔全般] WI30 招待講演(海外)
Automation: A Brief History and a Vision for the Future of Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine
[ペイン緩和・局所麻酔] WI01 招待講演(国内)
慢性疼痛とグリア細胞 ~新たな方向性~
Chronic pain and glial cells -a new direction-
Chronic pain and glial cells -a new direction-
[救急・ICU] WI02 招待講演(国内)
炎症と凝固のクロストーク ―侵襲に対する原始応答の生理と病理―
Crosstalk between inflammation and coagulation
Crosstalk between inflammation and coagulation
[小児] WI03 招待講演(国内)
The Role of Attachment and Early Life Stress on Cortex Function and Approach for the Recovery
The Role of Attachment and Early Life Stress on Cortex Function and Approach for the Recovery
[循環] WI04 招待講演(国内)
Hemodynamics and Circulatory Physiology for Clinical Anesthesia
Hemodynamics and Circulatory Physiology for Clinical Anesthesia
[麻酔科関連-1] WI09 招待講演(国内)
Rehabilitation in perioperative period
Rehabilitation in perioperative period
[呼吸] WI10 招待講演(国内)
輸血関連急性肺障害 最近の話題
TRALI up to date
TRALI up to date
[産科] WI11 招待講演(国内)
Amniotic fluid embolism: Pathophysiology and management.
Amniotic fluid embolism: Pathophysiology and management.
[神経] WI12 招待講演(国内)
Autonomous excitability balancing in neuronal circuits
Autonomous excitability balancing in neuronal circuits
[麻酔科関連-2] WI16 招待講演(国内)
最新の次世代手術室 ースマート治療室ー
The Latest Next-Generation Operating Room -Smart Cyber Operating Theater-
The Latest Next-Generation Operating Room -Smart Cyber Operating Theater-
[麻酔全般] WI17 招待講演(国内)
Medical Safety and Communication
Medical Safety and Communication
[麻酔科関連-2] WI31 招待講演(国内)
AI、ロボット、IoTをポストコロナの社会に活かす ~人がより幸せになるような未来を創る会社の使命とは~
Making use of AI, robot, IoT in the post-corona society ~Corporate mission to create the future where people become happier~
Making use of AI, robot, IoT in the post-corona society ~Corporate mission to create the future where people become happier~
[神経] WI05 招請講演
身近なガスが効く? 医療ガスによる蘇生後治療の可能性
Does a familiar gas have salutary impacts on cardiac arrest?
Does a familiar gas have salutary impacts on cardiac arrest?
[呼吸] WI06 招請講演
Bronchoscope for anesthesiologist ~updated information and essential implication
Bronchoscope for anesthesiologist ~updated information and essential implication
[麻酔全般] WI07 招請講演
Operating theatres management strategy looks ahead to business continuity.
Operating theatres management strategy looks ahead to business continuity.
[産科] WI08 招請講演
The mechanism of myometrial contraction and relaxation: an overview of both basic and clinical aspects
The mechanism of myometrial contraction and relaxation: an overview of both basic and clinical aspects
[循環] WI13 招請講演
補助循環の選択と管理 ~Impellaを使いこなす~
Selection and management of mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock
Selection and management of mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock
[小児] WI14 招請講演
EEG monitoring and sedation assessment in infants and children
EEG monitoring and sedation assessment in infants and children
[ペイン緩和・局所麻酔] WI15 招請講演
Genetic and genomic mechanisms of perioperative complications in anesthesia care
Genetic and genomic mechanisms of perioperative complications in anesthesia care
[麻酔科関連-1] WI18 招請講演
Management of remimazolam anesthesia by electroencephalogram
Management of remimazolam anesthesia by electroencephalogram
[麻酔科関連-2] WI19 招請講演
The motor coupling of the the lower extremity and medial knee pain: comparative anatomy
The motor coupling of the the lower extremity and medial knee pain: comparative anatomy
[救急・ICU] WI20 招請講演
COVID-19, at that time and after that
COVID-19, at that time and after that
[麻酔科関連-1] WS01 シンポジウム
[麻酔全般] WS02 シンポジウム
[麻酔科関連-2] WS03 シンポジウム
[神経] WS04 シンポジウム
[循環] WS05 シンポジウム
[小児] WS06 シンポジウム
小児麻酔における「賢明な選択」を目指して~Choosing Wisely in Pediatric Anesthesia in Japan
[救急・ICU] WS07 シンポジウム
[ペイン緩和・局所麻酔] WS08 シンポジウム
[産科] WS09 シンポジウム
[麻酔全般] WS10 シンポジウム
[麻酔科関連-2] WS11 シンポジウム
超高齢者の大手術:その手術、本当に患者のためになりますか? 予後からみた手術適応を考える
[循環] WS12 シンポジウム
[循環] WS13 シンポジウム